Sunday, October 4, 2009

Puggle Haters... Racists?

I learned tonight that there is an INTENSE dislike for puggles circulating on the internet. I had no idea puggles could cause such hatred, nor do I really care that much...but it makes me laugh to hear these people obsess about the fact that "puggles are not a true breed".

Well no shit sherlock! So they aren't a registered breed, but didn't all breeds start as mutts? I only love them more - and I find their qualities, no matter how unorthodox, quite endearing. No matter how they came to be, the point is that they are here to stay. Go puggles!


  1. Yes! Go Puggles! Welcome to the world of puggles. Hang with the puggle posse sometime.

  2. I agree. All breeds started as Mutts. And puggles are the best 'mutts' ever. I love my mutt very, very much. He's perfect.
